About Me

My name is Sara Eirew and for the last 20 years photography and design have been my passion.

Through the years I have proudly worked with advertising agencies, magazines, local businesses, publishing houses, authors, and more. Over the past several years, book covers have been a large majority of my work and I can proudly say that many of the covers that I have designed have made countless appearances in not only magazines but on many NY Times, USA Today, and international bestselling lists. Regardless of what type of photography or design you are looking for, I sincerely hope my work speaks for itself.   I’m eagerly waiting to get to work with you.

My Vision, Mission & Values

Our mission is to provide high quality, professional and complete creative services in all design & communication fields including: Graphic Design  / Printing  /  Advertising  /  Branding  /  Packaging  /  Promotional Materials Design & Supply  /  Copywriting  /  Photography  /  Web Design, Development & Hosting .

My  vision is to create attractive, easy-to-use products that anticipate and exceed expectations for content, design, and quality in an efficient and timely manner.

My Values are CreativityCooperation within the team and with its clients, Commitment to excellence, and Customer Satisfaction.

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